Multi-Skilled Software Engineer &
Computer Scientist

Graduated at the top of my class with a degree in Computer Science, I sought immediately to go into software development after graduation,

due to my constant exposure in being required to use code to solve and complete complex problems, involving classwork, assignments, internships, or at my job as a Comp Sci & Mathematics Tutor.

I worked as an Associative Software Developer for a few months before deciding to leave and pursue something that was more interesting and exciting.

I realized that although Im a Software Engineer, Im a Computer Scientist at heart and the constant need to learn new things and build something great left alot to be desired. Not seeing my code at work, come to life left a void that needed to be filled.

I decided to attend App Academy in order to re-sharpen my skills in Fullstack development and pursue a new career path in software engineering.
Over the last six months at App Academy, I've re-sharpened my technical skills in fullstack development that I ignored since graduating college and learned how to build comprehensive full-stack web applications either by myself or working in a team. With my newly developed fullstack skills combined with my past software engineering skills in desktop and multi-platform development, along with my extensive knowledge in Comp Sci Theory be able to employ and think of solutions to complex problems while being able to to integrate those solutions on the web, desktop or on any domain leaves me happy knowing that Im a versatile developer and I am not limited to any Software Role in any field.

Now, I am seeking opportunities to apply my ever growing technical skills to tackle on new and exciting challenges. I am on a never ending journey to learn more and use my knowledge to build cool and amazing things that hopfully can make the world a better place and put a smile on someones face :).


Programming Languages & Libraries


Scripting and Styling

Game Engine Development & Graphics

Electronics Programming, Mobile & OS Development

Tools, IDE's, API's & PlatForms

Technologies and Skills

I began my journey in Software Development during my time as an undergrad in computer science , I pursued Computer Science at first out of pure curiosity, until I realized I had a talent and a love for it. which made me obessed with learning as much as I could to be the at the top of my class. As You can see my Tech Stack Is very large , I pride myself in learning as much as possible as bordem is my biggest enemy.

I started Learning C++ as my First Programming Language in College, an extremely difficult language to learn as a beginner. I began to learn C and Assembly Language x86 32 & 64 bit in my Assembly Programming class in college where I took huge dive into memory programming and computer architecture. Ive also picked up Arudino Programming in an Electronics Hacking Class and Andriod Development at CUNY held Hackathons

I decided over the summer breaks during college to learn new technologies which I learned both Python and Java building my first real application outside of class a messaging app using websockets to communicate between two computers on a local network. And one summer i became involved with game development and help contribute to local community projects hosted on This also began a multi year long project developing my own game engine and graphics render which in turn resulted in becoming my capstone project during this time I learned a large amount of the opengl Libraries for C++ and Java while also learning the basics of Unity and Unreal Engine using C# and C++.

My love for continous learning and helping others learn resulted me in attaining a job as a Computer Science and Mathematics Tutor at the Math Learning Center at CUNY York College there i would be exposed to topics and technologies being covered in a variety of other classes this is where i learned C#, Crystal, Javascript, and Ruby.

Ive interned at the Department of Defense to work on Autonomous Drones and path finding algorithms here i refined more of my understanding of C++, Python, Algorithms & Data structures, and learning new Technologies such as CNN Neural Networks, A.I. Computer Hardware, ROS (Robotic operating software) and Matlab.

I began to learn Fullstack Tech when I was at CUNY Tech Prep which is a fullstack program for CUNY students in computer science to learn in demand technologies for fullstack development roles. Here I refined and picked up new skills in JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Sequelize.js, Express.js, Postgresql, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap 4

I worked as an Associative Software Developer for a few months after college, learning Java, Spring Boot and Spring Framework, Angular.js, TypeScript, SQL

I attended App Academy to finally gain a full understanding of Fullstack Development, here i relearned JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Postgresql, & SQL. While also picking up new skills such as learning the MERN Stack Mongoose, AWS, Heroku, Redux, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Git, SASS, Babel, Webpack, Ajax, Axios and jQuery.

After both graduating college and App Academy I realized that Im not just a software engineer, Im a Computer Scientisi at heart and learning is what interests me the most and see what I learn being put to the test to build some amazing things people can use , pushes me on further venture into the unknown.

My favorite language is C++ I love its speed, Performance and the complete control it gives you of the machine. It does not hold your hand and demands careful decision making as it gives you all the power and control of your data you must handle it with care, I see it as a challenges worth pursuing. JavaScript is my second favorite, it has grown on me alot throughout my time at App Academy, I never liked it do to its many quirks. But it has grown on my significantly these past few months as I built some of the biggest projects I have done in a long time using it.

I am currently relearning Python and C++ and reviewing algorithms and data structures again , taking sometime to revist my roots and my feed my hunger to learn more comp sci theory and solve complex problems. I am also still working on my Fullstack project $TR!F3 creating and working on its api to fully incorportate all the features of Discord. Maybe ill make a desktop version one day :P Please reach out if you would like to talk some more or collaborate on a project!

My Projects

These are my most recent projects Ive worked on this year, Additional projects can be found on my GitHub Profile .

Color in Space thumbnail


Centipede.js is a recreation of the classic Atari 1981 game Centipede with a huge amount of custom twists, besides including the features of the classic game, Centipede.js includes a large variety of new enemies, power ups, and abilities to obtain and use. This game is built purely on: Vanilla Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, HTML Canvas API, a huge amount of calculus, trigonometry and geometry. All the games assets and models where created by hand using the canvas api and

Paint by Numbers thumbnail


Paint-by-Numbers is an application where users can create, play and share Nonogram puzzles, built on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This was a collaborative project where I worked with 2 other talented engineers. I assumed the role of Backend Lead, dealing with project structure setup, MongoDB & Schema Setup, models, validations, Axios requests, Redux Store, actions & reducers, user authentication, massive debugging on both backend and frontend aspects of the project.




STRIFE stylized as '$TR!F3' is a full-stack, comprehensive clone of the popular VoIP app Discord and it's myriad of functionalities. Users are able to sign up for an account, join servers, and chat with others in real time via text message, or voice/video calls. $TR!F3 utlizes its own engine/api called CORE to handle many of its async capabilities allowing constant data flow of websockets, it utilizes a combination of Action Cable and Redux to control the many async features in the app that are not hooked by a cable allowing for a fully async app. Some notable technologies used in this project are: React.js, Redux, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgresSQL, CoffeeScript, C++, WebRTC, AWS, Redis. $TR!F3 is currently hosted on both and

Want to Connect?

Here are some ways to reach me.